Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On Our Way To Being Healther

     The other day Shaine and I were talking about being healthier. Neither one of us were excited about going on a diet and exercising. So to keep us motivated we decided to make it a contest. Who ever loses the most weight by Christmas decides were we will go on vacation this summer.
     We are now two weeks into our adventure and it has been going great. So far I have lost 8 pounds and Shaine has lost 9 pounds. All that we have changed so far is we are eating more fiber, drinking mainly water, and watching our portions. As for exercising well maybe we will figure that our soon. We are both very active so it is hard to squeeze much more into our schedules. So maybe we will figure out how to work in some exercise or at least I will. I really want to win this and Shaine is beating me at the moment.
     Since we have started this diet we have felt so much better. I am almost always in a good mood now and so is Shaine. It is so nice to finally be out of my funk. I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me to work off my extra weight but I am determined that I will be the one who decides were we will be going this summer!