Friday, January 13, 2017

Update Were Pregnant (Cody)

Well it's about time that I get back into keeping up with our blog. A lot has happened in our life since my last post we are now married, homeowners, and parents. I'm not going to go back to the wedding because it would make this post even longer so I'm going to start with when we found out that we were expecting.

About 6 months after Shaine and I were married we decided it was time to add to our family. We got pregnant right away and were so excited. That excitement was short lived because just a few short days later I lost the baby on Father's Day. It was awful and we were crushed. I went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay and she told me that I had experienced a chemical pregnancy. By definition a chemical pregnancy is a conception, which has measurable hCG (the hormone pregnancy tests look for to confirm pregnancy) but does not develop far enough to be seen on an ultrasound. So we kept trying and had 2 more chemical pregnancies one in October and on Christmas day. After the loss on Christmas I was ready to give up and start looking into adoption. Shaine calmed me down like he always does and we decided to put trying for a kid on the back burner for a while and just enjoy being married (little did we know that we were already pregnant with Cody).

I missed my cycle in January but I was too scared to take a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant because I was afraid of another loss. After I was 6 weeks late Shaine talked me into taking a test. So on February 8th 2016 we found out that we were expecting. Since we had been though so many losses we decided to wait to start telling everyone. I called the doctor and set up my confirmation of pregnancy appointment for the next week. In the back of my mind I was still thinking that I was going to lose this pregnancy. So the following Monday the doctor confirmed that we were expecting and gave us a due date for October 2nd. We were so excited because we had finally got to the next step!!!! Since we had experienced previous chemical pregnancies the doctor wanted to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound the following week.

After a very stressful week we made it to the ultrasound appointment. It was so nice to finally see there was a baby growing!!!

Our little hurricane

 During the ultrasound we were able to see his heartbeat it was a strong and in the 140s. All I could think was my baby has a heartbeat and this is finally happening. They were able to measure Cody and see that our original due date was wrong and changed our due date to October 10th (Columbus Day). At our next appointment we would get to hear Cody's heartbeat which was the sweetest sound ever.

Right before we heard the heartbeat I cut my had while I was preparing an avocado for breakfast. This was probably the scariest event we experienced during my pregnancy.

Thank goodness it was not as bad as it could have been but boy was it tender for a long time. Our next big doctor's appointment was for the anatomy scan. The ultrasound was about an hour long and we loved every minute of it.

Cody's profile
 I wanted an gender reveal party and wanted to wait to know the sex. Shaine was on the edge at first he wanted to know at the ultrasound but the day of he decided to wait till the party to find out with me.

It's a BOY!!!!

September was probably the hardest month it was so hot. I went swimming a lot during this time to help me cool off. The rest of my pregnancy went very smooth I ended up gaining 47 pounds which is way less than I thought I would.  

Maternity picture at 38 weeks

Monday, January 9, 2012


Well hello again. I know that it has been a while since I blogged and it all amounts to me being LAZY! So I am going to finally tell you all about what happened to us in December. Get ready its a long one.

The first event of the month was a big one for me. I ran in the Rudolph Red Nose 5k run on December 2nd. For those of you who know me I have been running since Halloween to train for this event. I was very excited to run. I had ran a 5k before and loved the feeling of completing the goal. So because it was such an awesome experience I am going to start from the beginning of the day and do my best to remember how it went.

The morning of the race I had to work at my favorite school to sub at so I was bound to have a wonderful day. After work I went home to get ready to run. I was worried that Shaine was not going to be able to see me run. He was trying his best to get off work early. I was so happy when I called him to see if he was able to get off early he said that he was almost to the house. YAY! The weather was in the 50's and no wind it was going to be a perfect day, now off to Nashville. The drive up was uneventful and hardly any traffic. I registered, stretched, and got ready to run. Dad met up with us and hung around to see me off. This was a treat and it made me even more excited to run. At 6:00pm they started the race.

My race began at 6:03pm it took that long for everyone in front of me to go through the cattle gates (starting line). The race was mainly up hill well up and down hills the whole way. As I started up the first hill I could hear the firemen's chanting getting closer so I moved over to let them by. That was so awesome to watch about 15 firemen running together while chanting. As I topped my first hill there were a ton of people on each side of the road cheering everyone on. That was a great motivator. About a mile in my shoe came untied : ( I had just found a good pace and everything. When I found my pace again I was starting to get a little tired. As I looked through the crowd there were so many younger kids with their hand out waiting to give you a high five. I made my way over to the side of the road and gave out a few high fives. This was such a joyful moment for me. Because of this I was able to continue running longer. As I got close to the finish line I spotted Shaine. He yelled encouraging words that helped me finish the last leg of the race. I completed the race in 43.20mins which was below my goal of 45mins. Score I beat my goal!!! For meeting my goal Shaine and I went to Steak and Shake for some burgers and shakes. Yummy!

The next event in December was Courtney's birthday. Well Courtney, Jimmy, and Taylor's birthday. It was so nice to have everyone together. We had 3 different cakes. So we had plenty of cake for weeks. Courtney turned 8 and Taylor turned 21. It was a great day with plenty of stories.

The following weekend we headed down to Marietta, GA to have Christmas with dad's side of the family. It was a 3 hour drive. We left around 7 and arrived about 11:30pm. Shaine likes to take his time when we go on trips. We stayed with my aunt in her new house with all of my family. It was so nice to spend the whole weekend with everyone. I think the babies had the most fun because of all the attention. Here are some pictures of Riylie and Aurora they are 6 months apart.

Then there was Christmas. That was a very busy but yet very fun filled weekend. We managed to visit our grandparents and our parents all in one weekend. It still makes my head spin when I try to figure out how we did it. But it is worth it in the end.

Christmas Eve at Granny and Gramps was so much fun. All of the grand-kids were there except for Ashley. This year all of the kids were worried about the elf. When we got to Granny's the elf was on the tree. When the kids started acting silly and getting a little wild in the garage the elf magically moved outside the door. We heard knocking and Connor went out to see what it was and found the elf. Needless to say the rest of the night we did not have to get on to the kids. The elf is wonderful and the kids get really worried about what he will tell Santa. The best part of the night was when Kris came home early and surprised Mom. I wish I had my camera ready when he came in. Mom was completely shocked when he walked in at 8 we were not expecting him till 11. It was the best surprise ever!! Here are some pictures from our night.

Christmas Day at Mom's was just as fun as the night before. I stayed with Mom on Christmas Eve. Courtney had been begging me to stay with her so I let her sleep with me. Oh my goodness is she hard to sleep with. All she did was kick all night and roll all over me. But that is what you get when you sleep with an 8 year old. I woke up about 7 and she was still sound asleep. When I was in the bathroom she knocked on the door to ask if she could go down stairs yet. When we made it down stairs Santa had left Courtney a note thanking her for the cookies and for donating her own money to the Salvation Army. Because she donated her own money she got 3 extra presents. She was so excited about this. We opened presents, ate breakfast, and Shaine and I left to eat lunch at Grandma Carol's. We had soup and man did it hit the spot. We spent a little time at her house then we headed to Shaine's house.

Christmas Day at Shaine's house was very calm and a great change of pace. We took our time opening presents and enjoying the company. After we finished opening presents we packed up the truck and headed to Shaine's Grandma's house. There we had a big dinner and exchanged presents. 

That is our December busy, busy, busy! I hope you and your family had a great holiday and our off to a great start for 2012!!