Friday, January 13, 2017

Update Were Pregnant (Cody)

Well it's about time that I get back into keeping up with our blog. A lot has happened in our life since my last post we are now married, homeowners, and parents. I'm not going to go back to the wedding because it would make this post even longer so I'm going to start with when we found out that we were expecting.

About 6 months after Shaine and I were married we decided it was time to add to our family. We got pregnant right away and were so excited. That excitement was short lived because just a few short days later I lost the baby on Father's Day. It was awful and we were crushed. I went to the doctor to make sure everything was okay and she told me that I had experienced a chemical pregnancy. By definition a chemical pregnancy is a conception, which has measurable hCG (the hormone pregnancy tests look for to confirm pregnancy) but does not develop far enough to be seen on an ultrasound. So we kept trying and had 2 more chemical pregnancies one in October and on Christmas day. After the loss on Christmas I was ready to give up and start looking into adoption. Shaine calmed me down like he always does and we decided to put trying for a kid on the back burner for a while and just enjoy being married (little did we know that we were already pregnant with Cody).

I missed my cycle in January but I was too scared to take a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant because I was afraid of another loss. After I was 6 weeks late Shaine talked me into taking a test. So on February 8th 2016 we found out that we were expecting. Since we had been though so many losses we decided to wait to start telling everyone. I called the doctor and set up my confirmation of pregnancy appointment for the next week. In the back of my mind I was still thinking that I was going to lose this pregnancy. So the following Monday the doctor confirmed that we were expecting and gave us a due date for October 2nd. We were so excited because we had finally got to the next step!!!! Since we had experienced previous chemical pregnancies the doctor wanted to confirm the pregnancy with an ultrasound the following week.

After a very stressful week we made it to the ultrasound appointment. It was so nice to finally see there was a baby growing!!!

Our little hurricane

 During the ultrasound we were able to see his heartbeat it was a strong and in the 140s. All I could think was my baby has a heartbeat and this is finally happening. They were able to measure Cody and see that our original due date was wrong and changed our due date to October 10th (Columbus Day). At our next appointment we would get to hear Cody's heartbeat which was the sweetest sound ever.

Right before we heard the heartbeat I cut my had while I was preparing an avocado for breakfast. This was probably the scariest event we experienced during my pregnancy.

Thank goodness it was not as bad as it could have been but boy was it tender for a long time. Our next big doctor's appointment was for the anatomy scan. The ultrasound was about an hour long and we loved every minute of it.

Cody's profile
 I wanted an gender reveal party and wanted to wait to know the sex. Shaine was on the edge at first he wanted to know at the ultrasound but the day of he decided to wait till the party to find out with me.

It's a BOY!!!!

September was probably the hardest month it was so hot. I went swimming a lot during this time to help me cool off. The rest of my pregnancy went very smooth I ended up gaining 47 pounds which is way less than I thought I would.  

Maternity picture at 38 weeks

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